Where can I get the game?

You can get the game via steam.

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What are the requirements to run the game?

The game runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX and requires OpenGL 3.3 or higher.

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What engine are you using for the game?

We built a custom engine for the game which we called the Top Hat Engine. We built this engine because when we started, there was no engine freely available which supported all the functionality which we needed to make the game and we did not have the funds to invest into one which was not free.

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Can I use a controller?

Yes, most controllers should work fine with the game. We use a special mapping algorithm which tries to find the proper settings for any controller you might want to use. The input mapping can of course also be changed in the options menu.

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What genre falls the game into?

Our nifty little game can be categorized as a top-down twin-stick shooter.

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What sets a nifty game apart from other games?

Our game is a bit on the experimental side of things. While most of the mechanics are also found in plenty of other games, we tried to push the boundaries of what can be done with procedural generation and also tried to put a bit of a twist on the interaction with the player and the lore behind it.

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Which parts of the game are procedurally generated?

We tried to produce as much as possible of the game using procedural generation. This means that the levels, player “character”, the enemies and their behavior as well as most of the pickups in the game are porcedurally generated and adapt to the behavior of the one playing the game. Everything which is not entirely the product of procedural generation like the weapons and the items which can be found throughout the game are at least parameterised so they do not behave exactly same on every run. This is why every run is unique and can not be reproduced, greatly increasing the replay value.

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I found a Bug, how do I report it?

To report a bug, visit http://playtest.aniftygame.com/ and click on “Report Bugs”. Please include a detailed description on what the bug looks like, how and where it appeared and how severe you think it is. Please also include the log file and preferably also a screenshot of the game.

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Is there an easy way to take screenshots during the game?

Yes, in the default settings pressing the F2 key will take a screenshot. You can of course change this in the key mapping options menu.

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Can I do a let’s play of a nifty game?

Sure, feel free to make as many videos about the game as you want but be aware that the game is not done yet so it does not have all the mechanics and features it will have when it’s done and it probably also contains some bugs.

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I have another question.

Great, just ask it in our subreddit or use another way to get in touch.

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I want to get in touch with you guys, how can I do that?

The are many ways to reach us, just check our contact page.

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